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2B. Informed Consent Law

What is informed consent?

North Dakota’s Informed Healthcare Consent law comes into play when a physician determines that a patient is unable to give informed consent.

As the name of this law implies, being in a position to provide informed consentfor a patient requires you to understand the medical problem, available treatment options, and risks of each option.

The individual providing consent must consider whether the patient would have agreed to the treatment and must act in the patient’s best interest.

An appointed guardian

Someone previously given a Durable Power of Attorney

The patient’s parents

The patient’s children over age 18

The patient’s adult siblings, grandparents, adult grandchildren, or other close relative or friend over the age of 18.

The patient’s spouse

If none of these peoplewith priority are available, consent can be provided by siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, or a relative or close friend.

Informed Consent

To find North Dakota’s laws about informed consent, download and read North Dakota Century Code Section 23-12-13.